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BSides Prishtina

Welcome To BSides Prishtina 2023

BSides Prishtina 2023 is the second edition of BSides Prshtina and it is the very first BSides security conference in Kosova. The in-person event is taking place at the University of Prishtina in Kosova’s capital city of Prishtina.

Our initial plans to organize this conference in 2020 were delayed by the pandemic. But after organizing several virtual and in-person security meetups during this period, we are more ready than ever to be organizing BSides Prishtina for the local security community.

The Conference

BSides Prishtina 2o23 is the second edition of BSides Prishtina and also Kosova’s first BSides security conference.

Kosova’s IT talent has been growing steadily over the last several years with a noticeable increase in information security students and professionals. After organizing several local InfoSec meetups over the last three years we decided it was time to organize a larger community event to gather and grow this talent. The BSides security conference format is our next step in building and promoting the growing information security community in Kosova and the surrounding Western Balkan region.

By BSides Prishtina Team
Organizing Team

Our Team


Dardan Prebreza

Lead organizer

Dardan Prebreza is a senior security consultant, focusing on penetration testing and red teaming. He's the lead organizer of BSides Prishtina 2023.




Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK) is a non-governmental, membership-based organization established in 2009 in order to support, promote and develop free and open-source software.


Shpend Kurtishaj


Shpend Kurtishaj has many years in the offensive security world, and has been working for lead companies such as BugCrowd, Mandiant and Google. He has been helping co-organize BSides Prishtina by reaching out to sponsors and helping out with logistics.


Valmir Mustafa


Valmir Mustafa is a project manager at FLOSSK and he is helping out with the logistics, budgeting and connecting the dots as needed.


Just as BSides events facilitate a forum for participants to engage with the security community, BSides events provide a way for sponsors to engage with our community of participants. We would like to thank all our sponsors to make this event happen.



University of Prishtina

Venue hosting

The University of Prishtina is Kosova's first university, established in 1970. UP is hosting and supporting BSides Prishtina 2023 Security Conference. We would like to thank the UP FIEK dean Prof. Dr. Isak Shabani and also Prof. Dr. techn. Blerim Rexha for their support.